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  • Comp4 [she/her]
    11 months ago

    People like Roger waters are the exception outside of Marxist Leninist circles. If someone tells you they are leftwing in the west you can almost bet they are going to be pro Ukraine.

      • Comp4 [she/her]
        11 months ago

        There are people that are to the left of basic socdems that want a socialist style system but they are absolute dog shit when it comes to geo politics. The kind that is "ok" with the USA and opposes the evil CCP. I would still say these people are technically "leftwing" they just have terrible stances on some issues.

        • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
          11 months ago

          Usually people that say this type of stuff just loathe Trump or really like Bernie.

          The kind that is “ok” with the USA and opposes the evil CCP

          No one who thinks this wants to see anything resembling proletarian democracy. Closer to bourgeois capitalism with "people shouldn't have to pay for that" characteristics.

          Simping for NATO objectives with a thin veneer of cheering for free healthcare does not make one left-wing.

          • Comp4 [she/her]
            11 months ago

            Wouldn't US Democratic Socialists, for example, fall under that umbrella? Now, I don't operate within those circles, but I imagine they are okay with the existence of the USA as a state, and many of them are at least not fans of China based on what I have seen. Mind you, I'm not in those groups, so I can't speak with any authority on the topic, and my knowledge of anything related to the USA is a mixture of fascination and disgust.

            Feel free to enlighten me.

            • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
              11 months ago

              DSA style democratic socialists can vary wildly in my experiences. Local level organizers are usually great. Good people. National level leadership often has no idea what they're talking about, like just last year the national level DSA leadership dissolved their BDS and Palestine solidarity groups.

              The leadership seems constantly out of step with what the on-the-ground members usually advocate for. Those types are the ones discussed earlier, they're perfectly fine with an America with more social safety nets rather than proletarian governance.

              My fellow Americans who more often fall under the umbrella, of wanting to maintain the basic precepts of capitalism while increasing welfare, those types will be more confused. I mean the ones who arent organized. They'll have a lack of theory going on in their heads and will often identify as both liberal and socialist. They'll typically despise China and Russia, say the USSR wasn't real socialism, everything like that. On hexbear and internet spaces we usually call them radlibs (radical liberals) instead of democratic socialists though.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      11 months ago

      People like Roger waters are the exception outside of Marxist Leninist circles.

      Roger's father was a card carrying communist party member. It is very probable in my opinion that Roger also is.

      Roger probably shouldn't be interpreted as "outside of marxist leninist circles".

      • Comp4 [she/her]
        11 months ago

        Cool I didnt know that. That explains some of his positions which certainly arent mainstream in most western artists.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          11 months ago

          Tupac's parents too, in case you were wondering why he was so fucking cool.

          Communist parents of successful musicians seem to do alright. The rest of them seem to produce libs for some reason though. I guess the kids that go into music see the immediate potential of their music for agitation or something and the parents take a larger interest in guiding it? Not sure. There's definitely a phenomenon of communists not taking enough of an interest in guiding their kids into not becoming libs though or we wouldn't have lost so many in generational transitions.