Here is September 19th's update! TLDR? Here's the summary.

Here is September 20th's update! TLDR? Here's the summary.

Here is September 21st's update! TLDR? Here's the summary.

Here is September 23rd's update! TLDR? Here's the summary.

Here is September 24th's update! TLDR? Here's the summary.

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Examples of Ukrainian Nazis and fascists, for the “buh Zeleski is a jew?!?!” people.

Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Add to the above list if you can, thank you.

Resources For Understanding The War Beyond The Bulletins

Defense Politics Asia's youtube channel and their map, who is an independent youtuber with a mostly neutral viewpoint.

Moon of Alabama, which tends to have good analysis (though also a couple bad takes here and there)

Understanding War and the Saker: neo-conservative sources but their reporting of the war (so far) seems to line up with reality better than most liberal sources.

Alexander Mercouris, who does daily videos on the conflict and, unlike most western analysts, has some degree of understanding on how war works. He is a reactionary, however.

On the ground: Patrick Lancaster, an independent journalist reporting in the Ukrainian warzones.

Unedited videos of Russian/Ukrainian press conferences and speeches.

Telegram Channels

Again, CW for anti-LGBT and racist, sexist, etc speech, as well as combat footage.

Pro-Russian ~ DPR's former Defense Minister and Colonel in the DPR's forces. Russian language. ~ Gleb Bazov, banned from Twitter, referenced pretty heavily in what remains of pro-Russian Twitter. ~ ASB Military News, banned from Twitter. ~ Does daily update posts. Patrick Lancaster - crowd-funded U.S journalist, mostly pro-Russian, works on the ground near warzones to report news and talk to locals. ~ Think it's a government news org or Federal News Agency? Russian language. ~ Front news coverage. Russian langauge. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian Ministry of Defense. ~ Pro-Russian, documents abuses that Ukraine commits.


With the entire western media sphere being overwhelming pro-Ukraine already, you shouldn't really need more, but: ~ Pro-Ukrainian OSINT Discord. ~ Alleged Ukrainian account with a rather cynical take on the entire thing.

Last week's discussion post.

  • daxattack [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    US industrial base is going to collapse. Forget about reshoring industries at this point.

    Reshoring industries was never seriously considered, it’s a PR move a few companies have announced and some politicians pretend to fight for but US manufacturing cannot out-compete China and other modern manufacturing hubs

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
      2 years ago

      uh, excuse me, dark brandon is bringing back US chip manufacturing with the CHIPS act and that'll epically own China

    • Cunigulus [they/them]
      2 years ago

      There's a whole universe of petite bourgeois industrialists in the US making like one niche car part or quirky bird houses, and they really want the environment to be more conducive to reshoring so they can be competitive. Of course Republican :brainworms: prevent them from pushing reformist policies (like medicare for all, infrastructure spending, etc...) that would materially benefit the productive sector of capital in the US, and in economic terms they simply don't have the power of high finance and multi-national corporate capital. Their political advocacy tends to get shunted into the Chamber of Commerce and similar organizations which are completely dominated by big capital and send ivy league ideological stooges out to run local chapters and keep local petite bourgeois from recognizing that their interests fundamentally conflict with international finance capital and the imperial machine. It doesn't help that these PB are typically also part-time landlords and have 'diversified portfolios' invested in these other sectors. This further confuses their interests and prevents them from cohering into a unified political force.

      • jabrd [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Or are franchised businesses where their material interests directly conflict with the larger franchisor business that wields their political capital on their behalf. “Corporate” will liquidate these small holders without a second thought because they know they’re replaceable. Becoming a franchisee is the last pathway into the american dream for the vast majority of upwardly mobile americans with nowhere else to put their money