If you go to lemmy.ml it's just a bunch of fucking redditors with their dogshit memes and like three lemme users. It's sad. I strongly encourage users of this site who are so inclined to take a break from infighting to bully neoliberals over there.

  • ComradePupIvy [none/use name, comrade/them]
    11 months ago

    It is so bad over there, I got lectured for hours on how a nation has a sovereign right to just leave treaties without consequence, and that a signatory to a treaty isnt a party to it, please send help

    • temptest [any]
      11 months ago

      Hah, one visitor to lemmygrad (banned there but seemingly still alive on lemmy.ml, I don't know if reports go to both sites...) was literally unable to hold a conversation. And I can hold conversations with literal lolberts and brownsharts so it's not just me complaining about libs, this person was straight up 40 IQ and angry:

      I like apples

      Wow you support grapefruit? You are a fascist!

      I literally don't like grapefruit, they are bitter and squirt at me. I would throw it in a compost bin if I were given one. Why are you talking about grapefruit?

      Irrelevant. You're making excuses for grapefruit. I win this argument and you lose because you are weak

      I am not exaggerating, this is the level of 'argument'. Thankfully most of the Invader Lib folk haven't been that terrible and mentions of lemmygrad aren't being curbstomped beyond hope just yet.