Cross posting from lemmy,

      • Pog_De_Maistre [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        Yep and if you are just not good at money literally just put it all in SPY (the sp500 ETF) and QQQ (the epic tech ETF). I recommend these two over your less fee intensive competitors because once you get a big enough portion and become sophisticated enough then you are leaving a huge amount of money on the table if you don't sell covered calls against your holdings, espesh if they are in a tax advantaged account and you don't get a taxable event during assignment

    • shiny [he/him]
      2 years ago

      do you not consider owning stocks "being a business owner/rent-seeking"? if not why

      • L183R4L [any]
        2 years ago

        I highly doubt anyone posting here is wealthy enough to have a large enough stake in a company to be considered a business owner.

        Whether or not investing in stock is moral is a different question I guess, but I don't think whether a few communists/anarchists participate or not in the stock market makes any material difference to its existence, but it can have a benefit to their lives