I'm talking a level of control that would make the liberal conception of Stalin blush.

Context? Material conditions? Up to you. Maybe you just finished leading the revolution to victory, maybe you got :vote:d into this position, maybe you just woke up in another timeline, I don't care

  • Gosplan14 [any]
    2 years ago

    Hand power over to a/multiple communist parties. No more leaderism. Besides, I do not trust myself.

    Then create a State Planning committee that will take a year or so to calculate all production time, prices, logistical chains, with the goal of creating a planned economy based upon a computerized system, nationalizing all businesses gradually until only the smallest (preferably only single employee ones) are left. The priority of the first [x] year plan will of course be tackling climate change and increasing low incomes, while decreasing high incomes.

    Reform currency into some kind of labor voucher system and make non-monetary trade deals with countries of the third world, and self-proclaimed socialist states, in anticipation of (international and domestic) Bourgeois backlash.

    Create militias in anticipation of the chud backlash and watch as the EU starts condemning the human rights violations. Of course withdraw all troops from abroad.

    Create localized democracy, but maintain the primacy of the communists for about a decade or so or until popular support is large enough.

    Reforms, reforms, reforms. Education, Healthcare, media, transport, taxes, etc.

    Watch the nation collapse into chaos, as Bourgeois and traditionalists fight back against their losses, and if we survive, offer those bourgies that didn't fight back or flee regular jobs, ignore the liberals unless violent, try to remove the material conditions for chuds to exist (cultural, economic, etc.) and the start massively increasing foreign aid to socialist states (that need it, of course)

    Step down and let other comrades continue, as there might be things I missed, but inadvertently repeat some mistake of that was done before and see the gains of socialism be gradually undone by opportunists and revisionists.