I'm talking a level of control that would make the liberal conception of Stalin blush.

Context? Material conditions? Up to you. Maybe you just finished leading the revolution to victory, maybe you got :vote:d into this position, maybe you just woke up in another timeline, I don't care

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    Climate Stalin. Priority #1 is decarbonizing as quickly as possible. We’re talking WW2 Soviet Union levels of command.

    Establish a council of climate scientists to have nearly unilateral power to override other government decisions and implement necessary solutions.

    Immediately cease all fossil fuel extraction until an analysis can be done to figure out the exact minimum we need (obviously don’t want people freezing to death during the transition).

    Ban the building of new cars or roads.

    Convert basically every suitable factory to manufacture solar panels, wind turbines, and mother things necessary for decarbonization, not just of the US but the world. Begin exporting these products at little to no cost to the global south.

    Begin building a massive number of nuclear power plants, and upgrade our electrical grid to handle climate catastrophes.

    Build an expansive network of both freight and passenger rail, with the goal of nearly eliminating both air travel and interstate trucking. Trucks should exclusively be for last mile delivery from train to destination. If there’s currently a highway there, there should be a rail line, whether that’s in addition or replacement.

    Build massive amounts of public housing in urban cores, and begin the evacuation and destruction of the suburbs. Begin with areas of suburb with the highest carbon footprints, which is likely the wealthiest areas. In these areas cease upkeep of infrastructure and repair of buildings - When your house starts to break that means it’s your turn to move to the city. Replant abandoned suburbs with trees to act as a carbon sink.

    Begin a slow and near total evacuation of the state of Florida, with the goal of having few to no people at least in the most at risk coastal areas - Condemn the city of Miami.

    • eduardog3000 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Convert basically every suitable factory to manufacture solar panels, wind turbines, and other things necessary

      Seriously, I feel like it isn't mentioned enough that we don't just need to "do something" about climate change, we basically need to retool our entire economy around it.