I'm talking a level of control that would make the liberal conception of Stalin blush.

Context? Material conditions? Up to you. Maybe you just finished leading the revolution to victory, maybe you got :vote:d into this position, maybe you just woke up in another timeline, I don't care

  • HarryLime [any]
    2 years ago

    Universal public housing, possibly on the model of Singapore or Vienna, whatever works. Universal healthcare, and right to employment. Nationalize natural resources, nationalize banking, outlaw or severely restrict private equity, nationalize public utilities, nationalize steel and railroads, reverse Jimmy Carter's deregulation of the trucking industry or possibly nationalize it. Universal debt relief.

    Give workers the right to elect at least half of the board members on a corporation, encourage companies to provide employee-ownership plans to transition companies into cooperatives. Expand social security, free college and apprenticeships, free universal childcare, mandate paid leave, and mandate paid maternal and paternal leave. Repeal Taft-Hartly and tilt labor law heavily in favor of unionization. Natural monopolies must be state-owned, break up all other monopolies.

    Land transfers and sovereignty for first nations, with representation in government if they choose.

    Land reform for small farmers. Form and encourage farming cooperatives, and nationalization of large agribusinesses.

    Build municipal broadband networks. Build a high-speed rail network. Increase public transit in every city, reduce and eliminate car-dependency in urban and suburban areas, reform zoning laws to build more "missing middle" housing (this goes along with public housing), build Netherlands-style bike infrastructure everywhere. In fact, just put the Strong Towns people in charge of all urban planning.

    This might be unpopular here, but a Nicaragua-style micro-entrepreneur program would be very well received in America.

    Edit: And of course, close overseas military bases, reduce military spending, and reorient America's foreign policy towards peace, mutual cooperation with other nations, and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. The guiding star of American foreign policy will be the wise words of John Quincy Adams: America does not go abroad in search of dragons to slay.