I'm talking a level of control that would make the liberal conception of Stalin blush.

Context? Material conditions? Up to you. Maybe you just finished leading the revolution to victory, maybe you got :vote:d into this position, maybe you just woke up in another timeline, I don't care

  • Alex_Jones [he/him]
    2 years ago

    First, I think I'd go after all the billionaires and their enablers before they can flee. Make them all live in an average apartment building. They'd be forced to work jobs that serve others.

    I'd also force the US to relinquish any foreign companies, colonies, holdings, or wealth and return those things to their peoples.

    I'd dissolve most of the military and bullshit companies like insurance and get that going for universal health care, education, and the end of homelessness.

    I'd do so much more, but I've gotta get out of bed now.

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      I do be thinking making billionaires working class is the ultimate slight to them. They view themselves as gods and to be humbled back to being an average person like everyone else is fitting.

        • Alex_Jones [he/him]
          2 years ago

          In this fantasy, they would live near their former workers. They would have all of their needs met like everyone else, but they'll have to treat them as they have always been - equals. Now if those former workers have words for them or what could be construed as inhumane, I can't say.

    • Zo1db3rg [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Make Jeff Bezos work at a fake Amazon facility that treats him like he's one of his employees. Till the day he fucking dies. Meanwhile all of actual Amazon is nationalized and all working conditions and benefits to the actual employees is drastically improved.