Permanently Deleted

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The educational stuff is good, but sometimes I feel like inline/embedded images would be necessary for that. Best way to teach someone is too show them.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      3 years ago

      I actually really agree with you here. There are two things that should be fixed on this site as a matter of priority, embedded images in comments and as an extension of that images and titles on comms.

      The way people misbehave from comm to comm comes from everywhere on this site looking the same, as a result of this people barely notice when they move community and therefore don't change behaviour based on individual community expectations. We can not hope to create independent communities on the site without communities being able to express independent identities.

      And it adds sooooo much to commenting that it would completely refresh the whole site. I'm very surprised that it hasn't been brought back yet.