TW: Transphobia, misgendering.

Can people please help me with this? A trans comrade in need recently posted a video of her losing it on an employee who repeatedly misgendered her prior to the video then continued to do so during the video. I have permission from her to post here. Somehow, terfs and I’ve seen nazis as well are swarming her on the YouTube comments with some of the most vile and hateful shit I’ve ever seen. She is in a vulnerable place now. I’m hoping some of us can send some support. It kind of looks like this got to 4chan/8chan but I’m not sure, but if you all could maybe like her video or at least send some support on the bird app, we can help her feel better hopefully. She’s @CommieDickGurl on Twitter and I’m going to link the video so you can see the comments section.

If I need to post this somewhere else, please let me know. I’m really concerned for her mental health right now and it’s now getting media attention so I think that is just going to pile onto the hate she’s already receiving.

  • sydnerella11 [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Thank you. I think it is. I looked at reddit and I can't find anything that blew up there except maybe on the drama subreddit. So I'm thinking it went there because this is a LOT of people coming after her. And when she first uploaded the video, for the first few hours it was just not getting views or anything. And Twitter has been bad but not to that extent.

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      4/8chan absolutely despise trans people, it's such a visceral hatred. They come over here from time to time and try to spew their shit and you can see their brainworms on full display. Just wish there was more that I could do.