Yesterday was intense for everyone. Some quick updates as of last night:

  • A large amount of the sitemod team has stepped away from the project. Other comrades from the community have volunteered to pitch in and been modded.
  • Some core devs also stepped away from the project. For the time being, you should not expect any further development of new features or bug fixes as we reassess our capacity.
  • Main has been locked. No immediate plans to unlock.
  • Registration is closed and will remain so for the time being.

We 100% understand and support everyone who left yesterday and are also looking forward to the next stage of Hexbear.

We're probably not going to be making any additional announcements or formal communication until after the weekend at the earliest. Thanks.

  • Hexagon [she/her]
    3 years ago

    People just need to realize, there's not, and is never going to be a 100% perfect space for you in every way unless you're the one running it and you're the only one in it. You might get places that are close but there's always going to be shit going on that you disagree with, and you have to act like an adult and understand that. I don't come on Hexbear expecting everyone to have the same hobbies, the same outlook on life, the same morals on every facet of everything, I come on here because I'm looking for a place that's better than Reddit and the rest of the general internet.

    If you can fucking coexist in real life, on Reddit, on Twitter, on Facebook in your college FB group, whatever else, then you can coexist here with that same understanding that people aren't always going to match your standards. If you want a catch-all leftist space, you're going to have to deal with the fact that some people are vegan, and some people aren't, because leftist communities and discussions have been this way for a long time.

    I think if you came onto here expecting anything else but "Slightly better community and mods than most other social media" you were bound to be disappointed from the very start. This was never going to be a leftist utopia that perfectly matches my beliefs, and it's never gonna end up being one for any of the people reading this right now. That won't ever exist because dealing with people means dealing with differences.